
A sunny fall day

Today we got some more nice weather - and I definitely tried to enjoy it as they become much fewer going into winter here in the PNW. I spent some time with the girls after work. They're busy digging holes in the straw of the coop every day. I finally figured out that they're after the cracked corn that escapes their treat dish. And once they find it in one place they figure it's probably in other places too and go looking everywhere. I raised the level of their feeder and waterer to try to keep the straw out of it as they've been filling it up with their excavation efforts.

Here's some pics from this nice sunny day.

Mary - she's getting big. Maybe she's not a bantam after all. But Agnes is still keeping her in line.

Agnes' mean look - it definitely keeps the little girls in line (and me!)

Pru and Maggie - getting so big so fast!

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