
Chicks in progress

Well, to catch everyone up, here are the events of the last week:

Valentine's Day - Mike and I played it casual as we do every year. We exchanged cards, he brought me flowers and I made dinner.

Thursday - Phyl's eggs arrived at last. I put all 6 under her and she was happy as a clam - or perhaps happy as a broody hen?

Friday - I took two eggs away from Phyl as it was pretty obvious she couldn't cover them all as well as she needed to (the outer eggs were a lot cooler than the center eggs).

Saturday - we went skiing with some friends and their 3 year old daughter. It was a beautiful, warm sunny day. Had a blast! That night I discovered that Agnes has a cold, or perhaps bronchitis, either way she's sneezing and wheezing and generally not feeling too good. Likely why she stopped laying a couple weeks ago. I've turned the heatlamp on 24x7 again hoping to give her some respite from the cold.

Sunday - we had a lazy day. Ran errands, played with the dogs, then went to friends' house for "Thanksgiving in February". We do this every year. Buy a turkey when they go on sale, then have a dinner where we all bring our favorite dish.

Today - I candled Phyl's eggs just to make sure this grand experiment is working. 3 of them looked just fine - I could see the dark spot of the embryo and the beginnings of the blood vessel web. But one was cracked. So, that leaves her with 3. Hopefully she'll hatch at least one or two chicks. Otherwise I'm not sure what she'll do!

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