Our collection of outbuildings on our 8,000 sq ft city lot. The coop, the shed and the shed roof off the right side of the shed for our wood.
The coop with new addition. I'm proud to say that I dug the 34" holes and sunk all 4 posts in concrete by myself! Wow was I sore the next day...
Penny's pretty sure that anything I'm carrying must be edible. Here she tried to grab the wrist strap on my camera. What you don't see is how peeved she was when she realized it wasn't a treat.
The first foray into the yard ever. They were out for a short 10 minutes today before I let the dogs out. I would have given them longer but based on Jake's howling I knew he couldn't wait.
I think their scratching and digging might actually be good for our struggling lawn. We'll have to let them out more often. They were easy to coax back into the coop with a little cracked corn in their cake pan.
Spring is here. The bartlett pear trees are blooming (2 trees).
So are the honey crisp apples (2 trees).
The bleeding heart, pink and white. These were bare dirt about a month ago and now they're almost waist high.
The pink and green hellebore.
One of my new clematis - I planted three on various fence sections this week.
And Jake, who thinks he too is a sign of spring...
Happy Friday!
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