
And the broodiness continues...

Phyl continues to be broody. I've tried giving her ice cubes to sit on - they just made her wet and crabby. I've been pulling her out a couple times a day, but she has a bite to eat and then goes right back. The last two nights I've turned out the light and put her on the roost bar, but she goes right back in the morning. All that's happened as a result is that Agnes and Pru stopped laying as well.

So now I'm trying to find someone that either wants a broody Seabright Bantam, or wants a few chicks. I'd love to buy some fertile eggs for her to sit on and let her hatch them, but I don't have room for any more birds so I'd need to be able to give them (and her with them) away as soon as they hatched. Oh well. One friend of mine is considering it. If that falls through I may post on Craigslist and see if I get any hits.

Finally, here are some new pics from Sunday...

Phyl in the nest box - being crabby

Penny looking pretty.

Lucy - the biggest of them all

How come if you take a picture of a group of hens you always get more butts than anything else?

1 comment:

Mutableblue said...

I ask that same question myself! I always seem to get more chicken butts.
Penny looks like our Ameracauna Teeny's twin, her coloring on the face is different but the feathers are identical.