
The waters are calming

We haven't really had chaos mixing the two ages, but a lot of uncertainty on my part about it. But tonight after work I gave them a box of dirt to play in and they managed to do it with a minimum of squabbling. Aggie still occassionally takes a peck at one of the little girls, but everyone seems to be sharing food, water, treats and space with a minimum of conflict. Hopefully that will continue...

Agnes has now given us 3 eggs, 1 each on late Thursday afternoon (collected Friday morning), Saturday morning and late Sunday afternoon. At this rate we should have enough miny eggs for an omelette on Saturday! Alas, hopefully she's getting the extra calcium she needs from the crushed oyster shells I put out with her grit as she's eating grower feed (lower in calcium) with the little girls. If her shells start to get soft I'll have to make other arrangements to feed her (perhaps on top of the roost box), but hopefully we won't have problem.

Now we just have to decide if we're going to put a light in to encourage her to lay through the winter. I'm not sure if we will - seems a little over the top when only one girl is laying. Of course, the little girls should start sometime just after the new year, so maybe it is worth the effort...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm a Chinese student in China.
Your picture make me recall my happiness in my Childhood about 10 years ago when I lived in the country. We have more than 20 chicken, a cat, a dog, and ducks.
Chicken are fed wildly, no cage.

I like country, the real natrue too.